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[英]Not to able to connect from superset to druid

I am trying to connect from a superset running on docker-compose to my druid cluster (running in 1 master, 1 historical, 1 mm and 1 query) I followed the instructions here https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/operations/security-overview.html to setup the basic auth, No TLS though and I have tried both druid coordinator and druid broker at 9088, 8082 etc but keep getting superset.exceptions.SupersetTimeoutException: Please check your connection details and database settings, and ensure that your database is accepting connections, then try connecting again. I am trying to connect from a superset running on docker-compose to my druid cluster (running in 1 master, 1 historical, 1 mm and 1 query) I followed the instructions here https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/operations /security-overview.html设置基本身份验证,虽然没有 TLS,但我已经在 9088、8082 等处尝试了 druid coordinator 和 druid broker 但不断收到 superset.exceptions.SupersetTimeoutException:请检查您的连接详细信息和数据库设置,并确保您的数据库正在接受连接,然后再次尝试连接。 is there in anything to do in the docker-compose.yml or anywhere else. docker-compose.yml 或其他任何地方有什么可做的吗? Pls guide as I dont know what exactly is missing I also see func_timeout.exceptions.FunctionTimedOut: Function ping (args=(Engine(druid://admin:***@brokerhost:8082/druid/v2/sql),)) (kwargs={}) timed out after 30.000000 seconds.请指导,因为我不知道到底缺少什么我还看到 func_timeout.exceptions.FunctionTimedOut: Function ping (args=(Engine(druid://admin:***@brokerhost:8082/druid/v2/sql),)) (kwargs={}) 在 30.000000 秒后超时。 on docker console (new to docker as well) so I tried to curl from the superset_app container but it's not reaching.在 docker 控制台(也是 docker 的新手)上,所以我尝试从 superset_app 容器中访问 curl,但它没有到达。 All running on EC2 and I have the ports opened as well in my security group for the container IP (edited)所有都在 EC2 上运行,并且我在容器 IP 的安全组中也打开了端口(已编辑)

Solved, I added the druid security group to the superset instance and now it's able to connect.解决了,我将德鲁伊安全组添加到超集实例中,现在它可以连接了。 I think I meesed up in the superset SG, will need to clean it up我想我在超集 SG 中遇到了问题,需要清理它

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