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Cucumber 在传递 Java 枚举类型时找不到步骤定义

[英]Cucumber doesn't find Step Definition when passing a Java Enum type

I followed the example in this README: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-expressions#readme , but I must be doing something wrong.我按照这个自述文件中的示例进行操作: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-expressions#readme ,但我一定做错了什么。 The scenario file doesn't find the method in the step definitions.场景文件在步骤定义中找不到方法。

Line in scenario file:场景文件中的行:

And I disable identity provider with name "identity provider name"

Step definition and parametertype configuration in step definition file:步骤定义文件中的步骤定义和参数类型配置:

  public State state(String name){
    return State.valueOf(name);

  @And("^I {state} identity provider with name \"([^\"]*)\"$")
  public void I_change_enabled_status_of_identity_provider_with_name(State state, final String idpName) {



You cannot mix up Cucumber expressions ( {state} is a syntax of Cucumber expressions) and regular expressions (which are detected by Cucumber by locating leading ^ and trailing $ ).您不能混淆 Cucumber 表达式( {state}是 Cucumber 表达式的语法)和正则表达式(通过定位前导^和尾随$由 Cucumber 检测)。

So you have to make your choice.所以你必须做出你的选择。 Whether to use Cucumber or Regular expressions.是使用 Cucumber 还是正则表达式。

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