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从 kotlin 或 java 中的 srtm dem 文件获取坐标的高程

[英]get elevation of coordinate from srtm dem file in kotlin or java

I want get elevation of point offline in my app I searched a lot but could not find a library for this.How can I do this?我想在我的应用程序中离线提升点我搜索了很多但找不到这个库。我该怎么做?

We have a dem file and we may get altitude from that我们有一个 dem 文件,我们可以从中获得高度

This library seems promising: https://github.com/komoot/batch-dem-reader这个库似乎很有希望: https://github.com/komoot/batch-dem-reader

This Kotlin app also seems relevant: https://github.com/raynigon/raylevation这个 Kotlin 应用程序似乎也相关: https://github.com/raynigon/raylevation

If none of the options give you what you need, you'll probably have to implement parsing the file yourself.如果没有一个选项可以满足您的需求,您可能必须自己实现对文件的解析。 For that, you can get inspiration from libraries written in other languages (eg https://github.com/tkrajina/srtm.py )为此,您可以从用其他语言编写的库中获得灵感(例如https://github.com/tkrajina/srtm.py

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