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用于简单工作流 (SWF) 域的 Aws cdk

[英]Aws cdk for simple workflow (SWF) domain

I am using CDK for deployment of SWF application.我正在使用 CDK 部署 SWF 应用程序。

SWF workflow and activities are getting created when I start the worker.当我启动工作人员时,将创建 SWF 工作流和活动。

I am searching about how to create swf domain using CDK instead of creating manually.我正在搜索如何使用 CDK 创建 swf 域,而不是手动创建。 Any simple example to create domain with CDK will be helpful.任何使用 CDK 创建域的简单示例都会有所帮助。

AWS's Simple Worlfow (SWF) does not have support in CloudFormation, and therefore does not have direct support in the CDK either. AWS 的 Simple Worlfow (SWF) 在 CloudFormation 中没有支持,因此在 CDK 中也没有直接支持。

While you could start writing Custom Resources to create SWF resources, I can't say it'd be terribly worth it.虽然您可以开始编写自定义资源来创建 SWF 资源,但我不能说这非常值得。 SWF is basically dead and not likely to see any changes going forward. SWF 基本上已经死了,未来不太可能看到任何变化。

I would strongly consider looking at Step Functions and see if you can use that instead.我会强烈考虑查看 Step Functions,看看您是否可以使用它。 There is CloudFormation support already and the CDK L2 constructs are good at building out workflows.已经有 CloudFormation 支持,并且 CDK L2 构造擅长构建工作流。

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