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[英]Java : binary tree + preorder traversal + recursion + return a result list

Small Java question on a preorder traversal of a binary tree, using recursion, with a result list of all the elements returned please.小 Java 问题关于二叉树的前序遍历,使用递归,请返回所有元素的结果列表。

Looking at the web we can see many result on the use of recursion to traverse a tree.查看 web 我们可以看到许多关于使用递归遍历树的结果。 However, they all "just print" the nodes, returning nothing:但是,它们都“只打印”节点,不返回任何内容:

https://makeinjava.com/recursive-binary-tree-traversal-algorithm-java-preorder-postorderinorder/ https://makeinjava.com/recursive-binary-tree-traversal-algorithm-java-preorder-postorderinorder/

public static void preOrderRecursive(Node root) {
    if (null == root) {
    System.out.printf("%d ", root.data);

This is a recursive function but does not return anything这是一个递归 function 但不返回任何东西

On the other hand, there are many examples where it returns the binary tree as list, but using an iterative way:另一方面,有许多示例将二叉树作为列表返回,但使用迭代方式:

public List<Integer> preorderIterative(TreeNode root) {
    LinkedList<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>();
    LinkedList<Integer> output = new LinkedList<>();
    if (root == null) {
      return output;

    while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
      TreeNode node = stack.pollLast();
      if (node.right != null) {
      if (node.left != null) {
    return output;

This is an iterative function, it does return the result as list这是一个迭代的 function,它确实将结果作为列表返回

My question is, I am having hard time building a recursive function which returns the result as list.我的问题是,我很难构建一个递归 function ,它将结果作为列表返回。

What I tried (and not working):我尝试过的(但没有工作):

 public static List<Integer> preOrderRecursiveWithReturn(TreeNode root) {
        if (null == root) {
            return ???;
        } else {
            return preOrderRecursiveWithReturn(root.left) preOrderRecursiveWithReturn(root.right) ???

But unfortunately, it is not working.但不幸的是,它不起作用。 Any help please?请问有什么帮助吗?

Thank you谢谢

Another option would be not to have the recursive method return the list, but have the recursive method add to a list field.另一种选择是不让递归方法返回列表,而是让递归方法添加到列表字段。

private List<Integer> output;

public static void preOrderRecursive(Node root) {
if (null == root) {
//System.out.printf("%d ", root.data);

} }

Create a helper function that takes the output list as extra argument:创建一个将 output 列表作为额外参数的助手 function:

    // Helper
    private static void preOrderRecursive(Node root, LinkedList<Integer> output) {
        if (null == root) {
        preOrderRecursive(root.left, output);
        preOrderRecursive(root.right, output);

    // Actual function that returns the list
    public static LinkedList<Integer> preOrder(Node root) {
        LinkedList<Integer> output = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        preOrderRecursive(root, output);
        return output;

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