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如何用“survSplit”function 划分估算数据,最后在 MICE ZEFE90A8E604A7C840E88D03A67F6B7DZ8 中使用“pool”function 汇集分析结果

[英]How to divide imputed data with 'survSplit' function and finally pool the analysis results using 'pool' function in MICE package

When I do cox regression using R, I found the proporitonal hazard assumption is violated.当我使用 R 进行 cox 回归时,我发现违反了比例风险假设。 So I decided to divide the data into different time intervals using the 'survSplit' function and calculate the HR for each time interval.所以我决定使用 'survSplit' function 将数据分成不同的时间间隔,并计算每个时间间隔的 HR。

For example:例如:

1) divide data into different time intervals 1)将数据划分为不同的时间间隔

`D1 <- survSplit(Surv(time, status) ~ ., data= data1, cut=c(40, 60),
episode= "tgroup", id="id")`

2) to get HR for each time interval 2) 获取每个时间间隔的 HR

`coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ age + class:strata(tgroup), data=D1)`

Now I want to do the same for multiply-imputed datasets (n=5).现在我想对多重插补数据集(n=5)做同样的事情。

step 1 data imputation步骤 1 数据插补

imp <- mice(data1, seed = 12345, n=5,print = FALSE)

step 2 reanalysis步骤 2 再分析

fit <- with(imp, coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ age + class:strata(tgroup))

step 3 pool the results步骤 3 汇集结果


My question is how I can post process the imputed data to divide each imputed dataset into different time intervals using 'survSplit' between step 1 and step 2. After post-processing, I can continue to do step 2 and step3.我的问题是如何在步骤 1 和步骤 2 之间使用“survSplit”对插补数据进行后处理,以将每个插补数据集划分为不同的时间间隔。后处理后,我可以继续执行步骤 2 和步骤 3。

Although I can extract each imputed dataset and then divide it using 'survSplit', I am not able to continue step2 and step 3 using the MICE package.虽然我可以提取每个估算数据集,然后使用“survSplit”对其进行划分,但我无法使用 MICE package 继续第 2 步和第 3 步。 Kindly help.请帮忙。 Thanks.谢谢。

In this case the best approach is to use {} inside the with() command, which will allow you to place multiple statements inside.在这种情况下,最好的方法是在with()命令中使用{} ,这将允许您在其中放置多个语句。 Here's a demonstration, based on the example in the survSplit() documentation.这是一个演示,基于survSplit()文档中的示例。


# use the veteran dataset with some values made missing
veteran2 <- veteran
veteran2[which(rbinom(nrow(veteran2),1,0.1) == 1),
         "karno"] <- NA
# make imputations
imps <- mice(veteran2, printFlag = FALSE)
# fit the models, with survSplit used inside each call
mods <- with(imps, 
               dat <- data.frame(mget(ls()))
               dat_split <- survSplit(Surv(time, status) ~ ., 
                                      data = dat,
                                      cut = c(60, 120), 
                                      episode = "timegroup")
               coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ karno*strata(timegroup), 
                     data = dat_split)
pooled <- pool(mods)
#>                                 term    estimate   std.error statistic
#> 1                              karno -0.04986785 0.007715564 -6.463279
#> 2 karno:strata(timegroup)timegroup=2  0.03645985 0.015247181  2.391252
#> 3 karno:strata(timegroup)timegroup=3  0.04104428 0.013389159  3.065486
#>          df      p.value
#> 1  70.51041 1.141572e-08
#> 2  94.68223 1.876833e-02
#> 3 108.83144 2.740870e-03

c(t0_60 = pooled$pooled$estimate[1],
  t60_120 = sum(pooled$pooled$estimate[c(1,2)]),
  t_120 = sum(pooled$pooled$estimate[c(1,3)]))
#>        t0_60      t60_120        t_120 
#> -0.049867847 -0.013407999 -0.008823565

Created on 2022-08-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)代表 package (v2.0.1) 于 2022 年 8 月 24 日创建

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