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当我在 java 中声明自定义系统属性时会发生什么?

[英]What happens when I declare a custom system property in java?

Wondering what happens when I declare a custom property in java using -D command.想知道当我使用 -D 命令在 java 中声明自定义属性时会发生什么。 I came to know that other system properties are not stored, instead generated by JVM.我才知道其他系统属性没有存储,而是由 JVM 生成。 So what will happen to the property that I created?那么我创建的财产会发生什么? Can I use it next time while I compile the code without declaring again?下次编译代码时可以不用再声明吗?

example: java -D"custom_key"="custom_value" some_class例如:java -D"custom_key"="custom_value" some_class

System properties are evaluated at runtime only not at compilation time.系统属性仅在运行时评估,而不是在编译时评估。

public class SysProp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(System.getProperty("foo", "<foo not set>"));

java SysProp java SysProp

Output: <foo not set> Output:<foo 未设置>

java -Dfoo=bar java -Dfoo=bar

Output: bar Output:酒吧

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