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[英]How to change separator in openCSV?

I have the following code that works perfectly except for the thing that separator is still a coma:除了分隔符仍然是昏迷之外,我有以下代码可以完美运行:

CsvToBeanBuilder<CsvProductDto>(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(content)))

How to change the separator?如何更改分隔符?

Ok, I've figured this out.好的,我已经想通了。 You need to build your own parser and builder, so it looks like this in Kotlin:您需要构建自己的解析器和构建器,因此在 Kotlin 中看起来像这样:

val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(content))
val icsvParser = CSVParserBuilder().withSeparator('|').build()
val readerRfc = CSVReaderBuilder(reader).withCSVParser(icsvParser).build()

list = CsvToBeanBuilder<CsvProductDto>(readerRfc)

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