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Mongodb PojoCodec 发现 ClassModel 中不存在的属性:id

[英]Mongodb PojoCodec Found property not present in the ClassModel: id

Be me, perform aggregate query on MongoDb:做我,对MongoDb进行聚合查询:

{$match: {"fiscalCode": "asfjhsdfhgsdfugsdf"}},
{$project: {

Get the result:得到结果:

    "contactsHeaders" : [
            "id" : "7b47c1637cde49d182b96bcc33d21d0d",
            "alias" : "VOL LISTA",
            "type" : "L"
            "id" : "ab31c06ecce244bea4ab5b45b89f4fdc",
            "alias" : "VOL FEDRO",
            "type" : "S"

Now in Java i try to deserialize the Document in:现在在 Java 我尝试反序列化文档:

public class ListOfHeadersWrapper implements Serializable  {
     List<Header> contactsHeaders;

public class Header implements Serializable {
    private String id;
    private String alias;
    private TypeEnum type;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;

What I get is:我得到的是:

    "contacts": [
      "id": null,
      "alias": "VOL LISTA",
      "type": "L"
      "id": null,
      "alias": "VOL FEDRO",
      "type": "S"

id is always null . id始终为null Logs says Found property not present in the ClassModel: id .日志显示 ClassModel: id 中不存在 Found 属性

If I deserialize the thing manually with Jackson:如果我使用 Jackson 手动反序列化:

(new ObjectMapper()).readValue(res.toJson(), ListOfHeadersWrapper.class).toString()

I get the correct result:我得到正确的结果:

ListOfHeadersWrapper{contactsHeaders=[Header{id='7b47c1637cde49d182b96bcc33d21d0d', alias='VOL


Adding @BsonProperty("id") does the trick:添加@BsonProperty("id")可以解决问题:

public class Header implements Serializable {
    private String id;

MongoDb sucks!!!! MongoDb 糟透了!!!!

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