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一些 MarkupsCore 事件未触发

[英]Some MarkupsCore event not firing

The event EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING for MarkupsCore, as documented here is not working when I do ext.addEventListener('EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING', function(ev){console.log('run')}); MarkupsCore 的事件EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING如此处所述,当我执行ext.addEventListener('EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING', function(ev){console.log('run')});时不起作用

I have other events working such as EVENT_EDITMODE_CHANGED and EVENT_MARKUP_SELECTED & EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_START .我还有其他活动,例如EVENT_EDITMODE_CHANGEDEVENT_MARKUP_SELECTED & EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_START But the dragging event doesn't work, it seems completely broken.但是拖动事件不起作用,它似乎完全坏了。

Am I doing somehting wrong here?我在这里做错了吗? I am trying to update my server every time a markups is moved.每次移动标记时,我都会尝试更新我的服务器。

Refer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/63992921 ,参考https://stackoverflow.com/a/63992921

The EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING is no longer triggered, and our engineering team confirmed it's a legacy. EVENT_MARKUP_DRAGGING 不再触发,我们的工程团队确认这是遗留问题。

So, we'd d suggest using the EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_START and EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_END events, which are triggered whenever a markup is being modified.因此,我们建议使用 EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_START 和 EVENT_EDITFRAME_EDITION_END 事件,它们会在标记被修改时触发。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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