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Android findViewById() 在尝试创建实用程序/帮助程序 class 时返回 null

[英]Android findViewById() returns null when trying to make a utility/helper class

I am currently developing an app and I am trying to make a Utils file with some general functions that I can use throughout my application to avoid having to copy/paste the same function many times.我目前正在开发一个应用程序,我正在尝试制作一个具有一些通用功能的 Utils 文件,我可以在整个应用程序中使用这些功能,以避免多次复制/粘贴相同的 function。 I have a Utils class file and I am passing the current Activity into that class.我有一个 Utils class 文件,我正在将当前活动传递给该 class。 For some reason, when I call findViewById() in init, it returns null and the app crashes.出于某种原因,当我在 init 中调用 findViewById() 时,它返回 null 并且应用程序崩溃。 I have tried logging the activity that is being passed into the Utils class, and to my eyes it appears like the right activity, so I am not sure why it is failing.我已经尝试记录正在传递到 Utils class 的活动,在我看来它似乎是正确的活动,所以我不确定它为什么会失败。 I will show the relevant code below:我将在下面显示相关代码:

Utils.kt (There is more, but it isn't relevant to the question) Utils.kt(还有更多,但与问题无关)

class Utils(activity: Activity) {
    private var currentActivity: Activity
    private var fragmentManager: FragmentManager
    private var topAppBar: MaterialToolbar
    val activitiesList = listOf(
        "recipes", "budget", "inventory", "customers",

    init {
        currentActivity = activity
        fragmentManager = (activity as AppCompatActivity).supportFragmentManager
        topAppBar = currentActivity.findViewById(R.id.top_app_bar)

MainActivity.kt (Again there is more, but not relevant) MainActivity.kt(还有更多,但不相关)

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private lateinit var drawerLayout: DrawerLayout
    private lateinit var topAppBar: MaterialToolbar
    private lateinit var utils: Utils
    private val fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(R.id.frame_layout, HomeFragment()).commit()
        utils = Utils(this@MainActivity)
        topAppBar = findViewById(R.id.top_app_bar)
        drawerLayout = findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout)
        val navigationView: NavigationView = findViewById(R.id.navigation_view)

The error comes from the Utils.kt file in the last line of actual code where I try to assign topAppBar to the view of id top_app_bar, but it returns null.该错误来自实际代码最后一行中的 Utils.kt 文件,在该文件中我尝试将 topAppBar 分配给 id top_app_bar 的视图,但它返回 null。 My println (yes I know I should be using Log.i but println is quicker to type) in the Utils class returns com.example.bakingapp.MainActivity@501533d, which is what I would expect if I am understanding what is happening correctly.我在 Utils class 中的 println(是的,我知道我应该使用 Log.i,但 println 输入速度更快)返回 com.example.bakingapp.MainActivity@501533d,如果我理解正确发生的事情,这就是我所期望的。 Any insight as to why I can't find the views would be appreciated.任何关于我为什么找不到这些观点的见解都将不胜感激。

I figured out the problem.我解决了这个问题。 It is a scope issue.这是一个 scope 问题。 I am trying to find the id of a view outside of the current Activity/Fragment I am looking at.我试图在我正在查看的当前活动/片段之外找到视图的 ID。 I realized then a lot of my code could/should be moved into the Fragment I was trying to target and this has fixed my issues.然后我意识到我的很多代码可以/应该移动到我试图定位的片段中,这解决了我的问题。

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