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[英]Does a react hook add an event listener every time it's called?

Let's say I have a react hook that listens to an event like resize on the window object.假设我有一个反应钩子,它监听window object 上的resize之类的事件。

I want to know if every time I use the hook in some components all over the application I'm also adding a different event listener on window .我想知道每次我在整个应用程序的某些组件中使用钩子时,我还会在window上添加不同的事件侦听器。

If the answer is yes, then i suppose this will be bad for performances, how can i avoid it?如果答案是肯定的,那么我想这对表演不利,我该如何避免呢?

Here's an example of the hook i want to implement:这是我要实现的钩子的示例:

export const useMediaQuery = (): ReturnObject => {
  const [desktop, setDesktop] = useState(false);
  const getViewport = (): void => {

  useEffect(() => {
    const listener = (): void => getViewport();
    window.addEventListener('resize', listener);
    return (): void => window.removeEventListener('resize', listener);
  }, []);

  return {
    deviceType: desktop ? DeviceType.Desktop : DeviceType.Mobile,

when you use custom hooks , React will allocate a new piece of memory for that component to use that custom hook.当你使用自定义 hooks时,React 将为该组件分配一块新的 memory 以使用该自定义 hook。

so, I think the answer is YES所以,我认为答案是肯定

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