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[英]How to define a free variable

I am currently reading the book Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho (a great book IMO).我目前正在阅读这本书 Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho(IMO 的一本好书)。

In the chapter about decorators and closures, there is a following piece of code:在关于装饰器和闭包的章节中,有一段代码如下:

def make_averager():
    series = []

    def averager(value):
        total = sum(series)
        return total/len(series)
    return averager

avg = make_averager()

So in this case, series is a free variable, and I can verify this by printing所以在这种情况下, series是一个自由变量,我可以通过打印来验证这一点

>>> avg.__code__.co_varnames
('new_value', 'total')
>>> avg.__code__.co_freevars

But when I tried refactoring the make_averager() :但是当我尝试重构make_averager()时:

def make_averager():
    series = []
    total = 0
    count = 0

    def averager(value):
        total += value
        count += 1
        return total/count
    return averager

avg = make_averager()

either series , total or sum is considered a free_variable. seriestotalsum都被视为 free_variable。 Instead, total and sum are now local variables (?) since avg.__code__.co_varnames returns ('value', 'total', 'count') and avg.__code__.co_freevars returns () .相反, totalsum现在是局部变量 (?),因为avg.__code__.co_varnames返回('value', 'total', 'count')avg.__code__.co_freevars返回()

So now series is now no longer a free-variable in the scope of averager , unless I add所以现在series现在不再是averager的 scope 中的自由变量,除非我添加


inside averager(value) .内部averager(value) This is understandable since I don't call series at all inside averager(value) , but I couldn't understand what's happening with those 2 variables.这是可以理解的,因为我根本没有在averager(value)内部调用series ,但我无法理解这两个变量发生了什么。

Why are total and count not considered as free-variables, and how do I assign them as free-variables?为什么total count不被视为自由变量,我如何将它们分配为自由变量?

nonlocal total, count非本地总数,计数

def averager(value):
    nonlocal total
    nonlocal count
    total += value
    count += 1
    return total/count

Why does nonlocal make them free variables?为什么 nonlocal 使它们成为自由变量?

Without nonlocal, total += value assigns to total which by default creates a local variable.如果没有 nonlocal, total += value会分配给total ,默认情况下会创建一个局部变量。 Since total is in the local scope of the function averager , it is no longer a free variable.由于total在 function averager的本地 scope 中,它不再是一个自由变量。

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