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Mongo 在 bulkUpdateOps 期间使用 updateOne 将字段添加到对象数组中的特定 object

[英]Mongo adding a field to a specific object in an array of objects using updateOne during a bulkUpdateOps

Use case用例

Adding a field to a specific object in an array of objects using updateOne during a bulkUpdateOps在 bulkUpdateOps 期间使用 updateOne 将字段添加到对象数组中的特定 object


  1. I have been unable to find a way to identify and update a specific object in the subdocument array of a specific record.我一直无法找到一种方法来识别和更新特定记录的子文档数组中的特定 object。
  2. I only have access to this DB through MongoDB Compass, and I plan to use the provided mongosh tool.我只能通过 MongoDB Compass 访问这个数据库,并且我打算使用提供的 mongosh 工具。

Data example数据示例

Our purchaseorders model looks like this:我们的采购订单 model 如下所示:

   _id: uuid,
         forignKey2:string (optional),
         keyIWantToAdd:string (optional),

So if I have所以如果我有


I want to add a key and value like this (really I'm willing to do anything to set these values, this is just the closest I have been able to get):我想添加这样的键和值(真的,我愿意做任何事情来设置这些值,这只是我能得到的最接近的值):

var bulkUpdateOps = db.purchaseorders.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
      documents.[index of document object with forignKey2:'test' or _id:*3 whichever is easier].keyIWantToAdd:'valueIWantToAdd'

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助或建议将不胜感激。

@rickhg12hs posted exactly what I was looking for. @rickhg12hs 发布了我正在寻找的内容。 For anyone else using mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/method/Bulk.find.arrayFilters the bulk find is being ran on an array of objects like this: { grades:[ { grade: 85, mean: number } ] }对于使用 mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/method/Bulk.find.arrayFilters 的其他任何人,批量查找正在这样的对象数组上运行: { grades:[ { grade: 85, mean: number } ] }

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