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是否可以使用 Python 打开 pbix 文件并刷新它?

[英]Is it possible to open a pbix file using Python and refresh it?

I want to develop an automation that will, after some steps, open a Power BI file and refresh the report.我想开发一个自动化程序,经过一些步骤后,它会打开一个 Power BI 文件并刷新报表。

I tried using subprocess.Popen([path]) , but it didn't work.我尝试使用subprocess.Popen([path]) ,但它没有用。 It appeared an error message, saying [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application .它出现了一条错误消息,说[WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

Is there any way to create such automation?有没有办法创建这样的自动化?

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