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[英]Flutter Table Calender Customized Desing

Hello Guys I want to achive this design in my flutter app but I dosen't know how to do that?大家好,我想在我的 flutter 应用程序中实现这个设计,但我不知道该怎么做?

Design want to achive-设计想要实现——


My code -我的代码 -

calendarFormat: CalendarFormat.week,
headerVisible: false,
focusedDay: DateTime.now(),
firstDay: DateTime.utc(DateTime.monthsPerYear,),
lastDay: DateTime.utc(2022, 8, 31),);

I haven't come across this pub before (so thanks for the introduction,) but just from reading the documentation, it seems like you can customise the UI for your Calendar by using a CalendarBuilder param calendarBuilders .我以前没有遇到过这个酒吧(所以感谢你的介绍),但是仅仅通过阅读文档,你似乎可以使用 CalendarBuilder 参数为你的日历自定义 UI。 calendarBuilders

You can then build a custom widget for the various components you want to achieve然后,您可以为要实现的各种组件构建自定义小部件

See this link from the TableCalendar doc请参阅 TableCalendar 文档中的此链接

And here is the documentation for the CalendarBuilder enter link description here这是 CalendarBuilder 的文档 在此处输入链接描述

I assume you're going to need the dowBuilder and the markerBuilder我假设您将需要dowBuildermarkerBuilder

You can design it by own using container in rows but it is difficult.您可以自己设计它,使用成排的容器,但这很困难。 You can use any package for it from pub.dev您可以从 pub.dev 使用任何 package

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