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Express 验证器无法正确验证数据

[英]Express validator fails to validate data correctly

Hello i am using the latest version of express-validator to validate my requests body, the problem is when i am using notEmpty() or not().isEmpty() it always shows an error with prsonalized message i putted "text field is required" even when the text field is not empty this is my validator.js file您好,我正在使用最新版本的 express-validator 来验证我的请求正文,问题是当我使用 notEmpty() 或 not().isEmpty() 时,它总是显示我输入的私人消息错误“文本字段是必需的" 即使文本字段不为空,这也是我的 validator.js 文件

import { body } from "express-validator";

export const checkPost = () => {
  return [
    .withMessage("text field is required")


this is my route.js:这是我的 route.js:

router.post("/", checkPost(), uploadImg, createPost);

and this is my controller.js这是我的 controller.js

export const createPost = async (req, res) => {
 try {
   const errors = validationResult(req);

   if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
     return res.json({ errors: errors.array() });
   } ....

this is the response i get:这是我得到的回应:

"errors": [
        "value": "",
        "msg": "text field is required",
        "param": "text",
        "location": "body"

Can anyone help me please?任何人都可以帮助我吗?

You will need a body parser middleware set up before handling the body fields.在处理正文字段之前,您需要设置正文解析器中间件。 For instance, try setting your route like this (if you're sending the body as json):例如,尝试像这样设置您的路线(如果您将正文作为 json 发送):

router.post("/", express.json(), checkPost(), uploadImg, createPost);

After many hours of search i found that the express-validator middleware should be called after the usage of multer so changing my route this way solved the problem经过几个小时的搜索后,我发现应该在使用 multer 后调用 express-validator 中间件,因此以这种方式改变我的路线解决了问题

router.post("/",uploadImg, checkPost(), createPost);

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