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使用 git 子模块的 github 个人访问令牌 (PAT) 进行 git-sync

[英]git-sync using github personal access token (PAT) for git submodules

I have a Github repo which I configure in git-sync to sync files with my Kubernetes airflow instance by specifying the repo URL with PAT token like below: I have a Github repo which I configure in git-sync to sync files with my Kubernetes airflow instance by specifying the repo URL with PAT token like below:


(PAT token is inserted by CI/CD and not committed to github to the dag_repo) (PAT 令牌由 CI/CD 插入,未提交到 github 到 dag_repo)

This Github repo also has multiple other GitHub Repos added as git submodules using the command:此 Github 存储库还使用以下命令将多个其他 GitHub 存储库添加为 git 子模块:

git submodule add https://<PAT>@github.com/org/test-git-sync.git

My .gitmodules file looks like the below:我的.gitmodules文件如下所示:

[submodule "test-git-sync"]
    path = test-git-sync
    url = https://<PAT>@github.com/org/test-git-sync.git

So in the submodule file git is saving the PAT token which is sensitive - thus I cannot commit it to Github因此在子模块文件 git 中保存了敏感的 PAT 令牌 - 因此我无法将其提交给 Github

I tried adding the submodule repo without a PAT token - but in this case, git-sync is not able to check out the submodule because the submodule repo is private and no auth is specified.我尝试在没有 PAT 令牌的情况下添加子模块存储库 - 但在这种情况下,git-sync 无法签出子模块,因为子模块存储库是私有的并且没有指定身份验证。

  • Is there a way to configure git-sync to use the same PAT token used in main repo to checkout submodules also?有没有办法将 git-sync 配置为使用主仓库中使用的相同 PAT 令牌来签出子模块?
  • Is it possible to parametrize the PAT token in the .gitmodules file and then git-sync can inject PAT during run-time?是否可以在.gitmodules文件中对 PAT 令牌进行参数化,然后 git-sync 可以在运行时注入 PAT?

It is possible to provide relative paths in the git submodule to use the same repo config as the parent.可以在 git 子模块中提供相对路径,以使用与父级相同的 repo 配置。 In my case the below config in .gitmodules file made it work:在我的情况下, .gitmodules文件中的以下配置使其工作:

[submodule "test-git-sync"]
    path = test-git-sync
    url = ../test-git-sync.git # use relative path

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