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Stripe:通过 Stripe Checkout 在现有订阅产品上设置 billing_cycle_anchor

[英]Stripe: Set billing_cycle_anchor on existing subscription product via Stripe Checkout

I'm trying to create a simple subscription in Stripe with billing_cycle_anchor set to a specific date.我正在尝试在 Stripe 中创建一个简单的订阅,并将 billing_cycle_anchor 设置为特定日期。

I've run into two issues:我遇到了两个问题:

1: When using Stripe Checkout with a subscription product made on the dashboard 1:将 Stripe Checkout 与仪表板上制作的订阅产品一起使用时


( https://stripe.com/docs/billing/quickstart#add-trial ) https://stripe.com/docs/billing/quickstart#add-trial

I cannot pass billing_cycle_anchor as a parameter, I get error我无法将 billing_cycle_anchor 作为参数传递,出现错误

Received unknown parameter: subscription_data[billing_cycle_anchor]

I'm confused by this as in https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions/object It lists 'trial_end' as a parameter and I can successfully use this.我对此感到困惑,因为在https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions/object它列出了“trial_end”作为参数,我可以成功使用它。 While this suits my purpose technically, the Checkout displays text about a Trial and it's not a trial, I just need the subscription to not start until a certain date.虽然这在技术上符合我的目的,但结帐显示有关试用的文本并且它不是试用,我只需要在某个日期之前不要开始订阅。

In the Stripe documentation for billing_cycle_anchor, instead of going straight to the checkout with a pre-made product, they create a subscrition billing_cycle_anchor like so:在 billing_cycle_anchor 的 Stripe 文档中,他们没有直接使用预制产品结帐,而是创建了一个订阅 billing_cycle_anchor,如下所示:

const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.create({
  customer: 'cus_4fdAW5ftNQow1a',
  items: [
      price: 'price_CBb6IXqvTLXp3f',
  billing_cycle_anchor: 1611008505,

But I haven't been able to adapt this to my needs as it won't work without the customer parameter, and I don't want to link this to an existing customer, I want to create a new one (or use their existing account if one exists, but this isn't linked to any sort of a database, I just need a basic button).但是我无法使其适应我的需求,因为没有客户参数它就无法工作,而且我不想将其链接到现有客户,我想创建一个新客户(或使用他们现有的客户)帐户(如果存在),但这没有链接到任何类型的数据库,我只需要一个基本按钮)。

I'm confused as to why I can't create a subscription without passing in a parameter for customer, and just create a new one at checkout.我很困惑为什么我不能在不为客户传递参数的情况下创建订阅,而只是在结帐时创建一个新订阅。

Basically all I need is a way for customers to buy a subscription that has a specific start date.基本上,我需要的只是一种让客户购买具有特定开始日期的订阅的方式。 This can't be done with no-code via the Stripe Dashboard so I'm trying to hack it together.这不能通过 Stripe Dashboard 使用无代码来完成,所以我试图将它破解。

I'm trying to do this using Node and JS.我正在尝试使用 Node 和 JS 来做到这一点。 It works with trial_end but not billing_cycle_anchor它适用于 trial_end 但不适用于 billing_cycle_anchor


With Checkout, the trial is the way to accomplish this.借助 Checkout,试用是实现此目的的方法。 If you were to use a custom flow with the Payment Element, you could utilize Subscription Schedules to just start a subscription in the future .如果您要使用带有付款元素的自定义流程,您可以利用订阅计划在未来开始订阅

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