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Linting 反应 typescript 项目

[英]Linting react typescript project

I am trying to lint my react project with typescript template.我正在尝试使用 typescript 模板来整理我的反应项目。 I want to use the airbnb style guide, but when the ran the comm npx eslint --init I only get the standard option and the xo option.我想使用 airbnb 样式指南,但是当运行 comm npx eslint --init我只得到标准选项和 xo 选项。 Is there a reason for this?是否有一个原因?

As stated in the ESLint documentation , assuming you have a package.json file, you can install and configure ESLint with:ESLint 文档中所述,假设您有package.json文件,您可以安装和配置 ESLint:

npm init @eslint/config

Then, in the configuration, you should select To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style option as an answer to How would you like to use ESLint?然后,在配置中,您应该 select To check syntax, find problems, and enforce code style选项作为How would you like to use ESLint? . . For the styling question, you can choose Use a popular style guide and Airbnb options, respectively.对于样式问题,您可以分别选择Use a popular style guideAirbnb选项。

Note: I also tried with npx eslint --init command, and see the Airbnb option.注意:我也尝试使用npx eslint --init命令,并查看Airbnb选项。

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