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我的 node.js 服务器在 heroku 中成功运行,但构建失败。(运行构建包超时)

[英]My node.js Server is running successfully in heroku but build failed.( Timeout running buildpack)

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I have attached all the environment variables at heroku and pulled the code from github.我已在 heroku 处附加了所有环境变量,并从 github 中提取了代码。 After that i have tried to deploy the app.之后,我尝试部署该应用程序。 It run's well but build fails.它运行良好,但构建失败。 在此处输入图像描述 (Github project link -> https://github.com/shubhamGhosh-dev/OAuth-messaging-server ) (Github 项目链接 -> https://github.com/shubhamGhosh-dev/OAuth-messaging-server 在此处输入图像描述

After two days of struggle, I found the issue.经过两天的努力,我发现了问题所在。 Which is just a script ( "build": "node index.js" ) in package.json file.这只是package.json文件中的一个脚本( "build": "node index.js" )。

After removing "build": "node index.js" , the app is deployed successfully.删除"build": "node index.js"后,应用部署成功。 But still curious for this behaviour.但仍然对这种行为感到好奇。

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