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如何在 SQL (Teradata v17) 中将 VARCHAR (AM/PM) 转换为 TIMESTAMP (24 h)

[英]How to convert VARCHAR (AM/PM) to TIMESTAMP (24 h) in SQL (Teradata v17)

I've tried multiple solutions, but I keep getting errors.我尝试了多种解决方案,但我不断收到错误。 I need to create a new column casting VARCHAR to TIMESTAMP that includes AM, PM or -ideally- changes it to 24 hrs format .我需要创建一个将 VARCHAR 转换为TIMESTAMP的新列,其中包括 AM、PM 或 - 理想情况下 - 将其更改为24 小时格式

VARCHAR format (Start_Date column): 8/3/2022 4:58:49 PM VARCHAR 格式(Start_Date 列):8/3/2022 4:58:49 PM

I found the below solution is some other post, but I'm getting error: ' Format code appears twice '我发现以下解决方案是其他帖子,但出现错误:'格式代码出现两次'

SELECT itab.*, 
FROM db.info_table itab

Please advise.请指教。

You have two problems.你有两个问题。

  1. MI is the format for minutes, MM is for months (you have it twice, this is why you are getting that error). MI 是分钟的格式,MM 是几个月的格式(你有两次,这就是你得到那个错误的原因)。
  2. Your date/time string has single digit values for month, day, etc. You can use a pretty simple regex for that.您的日期/时间字符串具有月份、日期等的单个数字值。您可以为此使用非常简单的正则表达式。

select to_timestamp(regexp_replace('8/3/2022 4:58:49 PM', '\b([0-9])\b', '0\1'), 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mi:SS AM')

TO_TIMESTAMP returns a TIMESTAMP(6). TO_TIMESTAMP 返回一个 TIMESTAMP(6)。 If you don't want microseconds you can specify the precision using如果您不想要微秒,您可以使用指定精度

CAST(RegExp_Replace(start_date, '\b([0-9])\b', '0\1') AS timestamp(0) FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYYbHH:Mi:SSbT')

All you need is pad day and month in Teradata (as opposed to Oracle etc).您只需要在 Teradata 中填充日期和月份(而不是 Oracle 等)。 m/d/y format has not been implemented. m/d/y 格式尚未实施。

select '8/3/2022 4:58:49 PM' date1,
  ,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss AM'

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