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getDay() function of "date-fns" 在同一日期给出不同的结果

[英]getDay() function of "date-fns" gives different results for the same date

Given the following 2 dates in ISO format:给定以下 2 个 ISO 格式的日期:


getDay() returns 0 for the first one, and 1 for the second one. getDay()第一个返回0 ,第二个返回1

Note that it's the same date, and only time is changed.请注意,它是相同的日期,并且仅更改了时间。

I am assuming it returns the result after converting it to local time.我假设它将结果转换为本地时间后返回。 Because of that behavior, my logic has some side-effects.由于这种行为,我的逻辑有一些副作用。

Is there a way to get the result without conversion to local time?有没有办法在不转换为本地时间的情况下获得结果?

The getDay documentation clearly states it returns results in local time. getDay文档清楚地说明它以当地时间返回结果。 You need the getUTCDay function.您需要getUTCDay function。

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