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(GCP Cloud CDN)存储桶 http 有效,但 https 无效

[英](GCP Cloud CDN) bucket http works but https doesn't

I have set up a CDN by following this document: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/setting-up-cdn-with-bucket我按照以下文档设置了 CDN: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/setting-up-cdn-with-bucket

  1. http (with port 80) http(带80口)
  2. https (with port 443) with a google-managed certificate https(带有端口 443),带有 google 管理的证书
  3. example.com is pointing to the load balancer's ip adress (google domains) example.com 指向负载均衡器的 ip 地址(谷歌域)
  4. the certificate says example.com is active证书上写着 example.com 处于活动状态
  5. simple index.html is in the backend bucket简单索引。html 在后端存储桶中

I can load http://example.com fine but it is insecure.我可以加载http://example.com很好,但它不安全。 When I load https://example.com on chrome I get the following:当我在 chrome 上加载https://example.com时,我得到以下信息:

This site can't provide a secure connection此站点无法提供安全连接
mydomain.com uses an unsupported protocol. mydomain.com 使用不受支持的协议。

Can somebody help me set up Cloud CDN with https using GCP storage?有人可以帮助我使用 GCP 存储使用 https 设置 Cloud CDN 吗?

EDIT: trying adding AAAA following How do you serve a static website using Google Cloud CDN, Google Cloud Storage, and a custom domain?编辑:尝试在如何使用 Google Cloud CDN、Google Cloud Storage 和自定义域为 static 网站提供服务之后添加 AAAA?
Requestor Pays was already off Requestor Pays 已关闭
The permission was to allUsers with Storage Object Viewer该权限适用于所有具有存储 Object 查看器的用户

EDIT2: adding AAAA didn't work for me EDIT2:添加 AAAA 对我不起作用

EDIT3: Got rid of AAAA. EDIT3:摆脱了AAAA。 It is working now... I guess it takes quite long它现在正在工作......我想这需要很长时间

  1. Yes, depending on your domain provider.是的,取决于您的域名提供商。 Normally, the longest takes up to 78 hours.通常,最长需要长达 78 小时。
  2. You need to enable the http-https redirect.您需要启用 http-https 重定向。 You need to configure the http frontend, and there you have the option to enable the http-https redirect.您需要配置 http 前端,并且您可以选择启用 http-https 重定向。
  3. I would assume that you did not add the external IP of the Load Balancer as one of the domains accepted by your SSL certificate (and you shouldn't have to), so it will not really load the page via https://(LoadBalancer-IPAddress)我假设您没有将负载均衡器的外部 IP 添加为您的 SSL 证书接受的域之一(而且您不应该这样做),因此它不会真正通过 Z5E056C500A1C4B7BADE5Z10 加载页面://(LoadBalancer80 -IP地址)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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