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如何在 React 导航中更改 Header 标题组件

[英]How to Change Header Title Component in React navigation

I am Using Product Search Component In Header Of EmptyPage, It works Fine.我在 EmptyPage 的 Header 中使用产品搜索组件,它工作正常。 Now My Req is to change the Header Title Component Dynamically, If i come From DiagnosticSearch Page I need The Header Title Component Should Be, How to change it Dynamically???现在我的要求是动态更改 Header 标题组件,如果我来自诊断搜索页面,我需要 Header 标题组件应该是,如何动态更改它???

      <Stack.Screen name='EmptyPage' component={EmptyPage} options={{ headerShown:true,headerTitle: () => <ProductSearch/>}}/>

I would do it in the EmptyPage screen component, create:我会在 EmptyPage 屏幕组件中执行此操作,创建:

export const screenOptions = navData => {
  const title = navData.route ? navData.route.params : null
  return {
    headerTitle: title,

and inside the function of EmptyPage和 EmptyPage 的 function 里面

useEffect(() => {

      props.navigation.setParams({ title:theUpdatedTitle })
  }, [theUpdatedTitle])

now in the navigation:现在在导航中:

<Stack.Screen name='EmptyPage' component={EmptyPage} options{importedScreenOptions}/>

hope this helps you希望这对你有帮助

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