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[英]Performance increase for an update statement

I need to update all the columns in a table using the trimmed version of the same columns.我需要使用相同列的修剪版本更新表中的所有列。 Table has 130 columns and 5 million records.表有 130 列和 500 万条记录。 And the query is running more than 3 hours without any sign of completion.查询运行了 3 个多小时,没有任何完成的迹象。

    UPDATE table
       SET column = TRIM(column)
     WHERE date = '01-01-21';

Kindly help in improving the performance of this query.请帮助提高此查询的性能。 PS: none of the columns have any index. PS:没有一列有任何索引。

Don't use PL/SQL but SQL:不要使用 PL/SQL 但 SQL:

update that_table set
  col1 = trim(col1),
  col2 = trim(col2),
  col130 = trim(col130)
where date_column = date '2021-01-01';

Column in where clause should - probably - only be indexed as you're filtering on it. where子句中的列应该 - 可能 - 仅在您对其进行过滤时被索引。 If you're updating the whole table, you don't need where clause at all.如果要更新整个表,则根本不需要where子句。

Also, if that column's datatype is date , then use date literal or to_date function with appropriate format model, ie don't force Oracle to implicitly convert string (that's '01-01-21' to date and spend some time doing so. Also, if that column's datatype is date , then use date literal or to_date function with appropriate format model, ie don't force Oracle to implicitly convert string (that's '01-01-21' to date and spend some time doing so.

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