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[英]cppcheck: one definition rule is violated when overriding

In the following code (which is a minimal example based on a much more complex code), a base class defines a struct local to the class.在以下代码中(这是基于更复杂代码的最小示例),基本 class 定义了 class 的本地结构。 A derived class overrides this definition, but uses also the definition in the base class.派生的 class 会覆盖此定义,但也使用基础 class 中的定义。

#include <iostream>

struct base {
  struct update;

  void apply(int& x);

struct base::update {
  void operator()(int& x)

void base::apply(int& x) { update{}(x); }

struct deriv : public base {
  struct update;

  void apply(int& x, int& y);

struct deriv::update {
  void operator()(int& x, int& y)
    typename base::update{}.operator()(x);

void deriv::apply(int& x, int& y) { update{}(x, y); }

int main()
  base b;

  int x = 1;

  std::cout << x << std::endl;

  int y = 2;
  deriv d;
  d.apply(x, y);

  std::cout << x << ' ' << y << std::endl;
  return 0;

Compiling with gcc and -Wall -Wextra does not issue any warning.使用 gcc 和-Wall -Wextra编译不会发出任何警告。 The output of the code is as expected代码的 output 符合预期

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However, when analyzing the code with cppcheck, with --enable=all , I get the following:但是,当使用 cppcheck 和--enable=all分析代码时,我得到以下信息:

Checking test.cpp ...
test.cpp:25:24: style: Parameter 'x' can be declared with const [constParameter]
  void operator()(int& x, int& y)
test.cpp:9:1: error: The one definition rule is violated, different classes/structs have the same name 'update' [ctuOneDefinitionRuleViolation]
struct base::update {
test.cpp:24:1: note: The one definition rule is violated, different classes/structs have the same name 'update'
struct deriv::update {
test.cpp:9:1: note: The one definition rule is violated, different classes/structs have the same name 'update'
struct base::update {

The first reported error ( Parameter 'x' can be declared with const ) seems clearly a false positive, as clearly I need non-const reference to be able to modify it, and in fact the code obviously does not compile with a const int& .第一个报告的错误( Parameter 'x' can be declared with const )显然是误报,因为很明显我需要非常量引用才能修改它,实际上代码显然不能用const int&编译。

But what about the second error on ODR violation?但是关于 ODR 违规的第二个错误呢? Is this a correct diagnose, and if so why cannot I override the definition of update ?这是一个正确的诊断,如果是这样,为什么我不能覆盖update的定义?

It is also a false positive.这也是一个误报。 There is nothing wrong with declaring a nested class of the same name in the derived class.在派生的 class 中声明同名的嵌套 class 并没有错。 The two nested classes will be separate entities and each can have one definition per one-definition-rule.这两个嵌套的类将是单独的实体,并且每个类都可以根据一个定义规则有一个定义。

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