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我收到此错误: Block is not a constructor in node.js

[英]I am getting this error: Block is not a constructor in node.js

I am new to Blockchain learning.我是区块链学习的新手。 I am following tutorial.我正在关注教程。 I am getting this error.我收到此错误。 I am unable to resolve in VS code.我无法在 VS 代码中解决。

    const Block = require('./block');

describe('Block',()=> {
    const timestamp='a-date';
    const lastHash='foo-lasthash';
    const hash='foo-hash';
    const data=['foo-data','pdata'];
    const block= new Block({


    it('has a timestamp,lastHash,hash, and data property',()=>{


Here is the error message:这是错误消息:

FAIL /block.test.js
  x encountered a declaration exception ( 18ms )
 • Block > encountered a declaration exception
  TypeError : Block is not a constructor
     91 const hash = ' foo - hash ' ;
     10 | const data = [ ' foo - data ' , ' pdata ' ] ;
              const block = new Block ( {
   > 11
     12 |
     13 |
     14 |
                  timestamp .
                  lastHash ,
                  hash ,
    at Suite . < anonymous > ( block . test.js : 11 : 18 )
     at Object . < anonymous > ( block.test.js : 6 : 1 )
Test Suites : 1 failed , 1 total
Tests : 1 failed , 1 total
Snapshots : 0 total
Time : 6.734s
Ran all test suites .

output is shown.. test is failed显示 output.. 测试失败

Looks like your require statement is failing.看起来你的require语句失败了。 You are initializing a block object const block= new Block but Block is not defined.您正在初始化一个块 object const block= new Block Block未定义块。

since usually class modules file names starts with capital letter it might be './Block'因为通常 class 模块文件名以大写字母开头,它可能是'./Block'

 const Block = require('./Block')

or your relative path is wrong.或者你的相对路径是错误的。 './block' means your test and block file are in the same directory. './block' 表示你的测试和block文件在同一个目录中。 Make sure your relative path is correct确保您的相对路径正确

Also, I did not downvote (I dont downvote new users) but next time do not share image pls.另外,我没有投票(我不投票新用户),但下次不要分享图片。

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