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使用 Python 将带有计算数据的 3 行块重复写入文本文件

[英]Write a block of 3 lines repeatedly with calculated data into a text file using Python

I want to write data with headers into a file.我想将带有标题的数据写入文件。 The first three lines are unique, and can be considered as a 'block' which are then repeated with increments in x and y (0.12, 1) respectively.前三行是唯一的,可以被视为一个“块”,然后分别以 x 和 y (0.12, 1) 的增量重复。 The data in the file should look like:文件中的数据应如下所示:

#X  #Y  Xmin    Ymin    Z
1   1   0.0000  0.000   0.0062
1   2   0.0000  0.350   0.0156
1   3   0.0000  0.750   0.0191
1   4   0.0000  1.000   0.0062
1   5   0.0000  1.350   0.0156
1   6   0.0000  1.750   0.0191
1   7   0.0000  2.000   0.0062
1   8   0.0000  2.350   0.0156
1   9   0.0000  2.750   0.0191
2   1   0.1200  0.000   0.0062
2   2   0.1200  0.350   0.0156
2   3   0.1200  0.750   0.0191
2   4   0.1200  1.000   0.0062
2   5   0.1200  1.350   0.0156
2   6   0.1200  1.750   0.0191
2   7   0.1200  2.000   0.0062
2   8   0.1200  2.350   0.0156
2   9   0.1200  2.750   0.0191
3   1   0.2400  0.000   0.0062
3   2   0.2400  0.350   0.0156
3   3   0.2400  0.750   0.0191
3   4   0.2400  1.000   0.0062
3   5   0.2400  1.350   0.0156
3   6   0.2400  1.750   0.0191
3   7   0.2400  2.000   0.0062
3   8   0.2400  2.350   0.0156
3   9   0.2400  2.750   0.0191

I tried to make the first three lines as 3 lists and write the first two columns and headers by two nested for loops but failed to write the repeating 3 line block.我试图将前三行作为 3 个列表,并通过两个嵌套的 for 循环写入前两列和标题,但未能写入重复的 3 行块。

l1 = [0.0000, 0.000, 0.0062]
l2 = [0.0000, 0.350, 0.0156]
l3 = [0.0000, 0.750, 0.0191]
pitch_x = 0.12
pitch_y = 1

with open('dataprep_test.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write('#x #y  Xmin    Ymin    Z   \n')
    for i in range(1,4,1):
        k =1
        for j in range (1,4,1):
            d_x = pitch_x*(i-1)
            d_y = pitch_y*(j-1)
            f.write('%d %d  %f  %f  %f  \n'%(i,k,(l1[0]+d_x),(l1[1]+d_y), l1[2]))
            f.write('%d %d  %f  %f  %f  \n'%(i,k+1,(l2[0]+d_x),(l2[1]+d_y), l2[2]))
            f.write('%d %d  %f  %f  %f  \n'%(i,k+2,(l3[0]+d_x),(l3[1]+d_y), l3[2]))

Is there a smarter way to do it using the python built-in functions and structures and methods (lists, dictionaries etc.)?使用 python 内置函数、结构和方法(列表、字典等)是否有更聪明的方法?

I'd just refactor the data generation into a generator function.我只是将数据生成重构为生成器 function。 You can also easily accept an arbitrary number of vectors.您还可以轻松接受任意数量的向量。

def generate_data(initial_vectors, pitch_x, pitch_y, i_count=4, j_count=4):
    for i in range(i_count):
        for j in range(j_count):
            d_x = pitch_x * i
            d_y = pitch_y * j
            for k, (x, y, z) in enumerate(initial_vectors, 1):
                yield (i + 1, k, (x + d_x), (y + d_y), z)

def main():
    l1 = [0.0000, 0.000, 0.0062]
    l2 = [0.0000, 0.350, 0.0156]
    l3 = [0.0000, 0.750, 0.0191]
    with open('dataprep_test.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write('#x #y  Xmin    Ymin    Z   \n')
        for i, k, x, y, z in generate_data([l1, l2, l3], pitch_x=0.12, pitch_y=1):
            f.write(f'{i:d} {k:d} {x:f} {y:f} {z:f}\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Furthermore, if a future version of your project might want to use JSON files instead, you could just json.dumps(list(generate_data(...)) , etc.此外,如果您的项目的未来版本可能想要使用 JSON 文件,您可以只使用json.dumps(list(generate_data(...))等。

You could do this, which gives every part:你可以这样做,它给出了每个部分:

file = 'F:\code\some_file.csv'  
some_headers = ['x#', 'y#', 'Xmin','Ymin','Z']

# new lists
list_x = [1,1,1]
list_y = [1,2,3]
list_xmin = [0,0,0]
list_ymin = [0,0.35,0.75]
list_z = [0.0062,0.0156,0.0191]

# build new lists with whatever rules you need
for i in range(10):

# write to file
with open(file, 'w') as csvfile:

    # write headers
    for i in some_headers:
        csvfile.write(i + ',')
    # write data
    for i in range(len(list_x)):
        line_to_write = str(list_x[i]) + ',' + str(list_y[i]) + ',' + str(list_xmin[i]) 
        line_to_write = line_to_write + ',' + str(list_ymin[i]) + ',' + str(list_z[i])
        line_to_write = line_to_write + '\n'

# finished

The result would be a csv file like this:结果将是一个 csv 文件,如下所示:


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