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[英]calling grandparent method from inside the grandchild component

i have 3 nested components我有 3 个嵌套组件

<GrandParent />
   <Parent />
       <Child />

i have a button in my Child component and on double click i would like to call a function in GrandParent component我的Child组件中有一个按钮,双击时我想在GrandParent组件中调用 function

 <button @dblclick="this.$parent.callGrandParentFunction(model)"> call grandparent </button>

using this.$parent i can only access Parent methods... is there any way to go one level higher and call a GrandParent method?使用this.$parent我只能访问Parent方法...有没有办法将 go 提高一级并调用GrandParent方法?

there is a similar question on SO but it's about vue2 SO上有一个类似的问题,但它是关于vue2

VueJS Grandchild component call function in Great grandparent component VueJS 孙子组件在曾祖父组件中调用 function

Try to use provide/inject pattern:尝试使用提供/注入模式:


export default {
  methods: {
  provide() {
    // use function syntax so that we can access `this`
    return {
      someMethod: this.someMethod

in GrandChild component:在 GrandChild 组件中:

export default {
  inject: ['someMethod'],
  created() {
    //run the method 

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