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如何将 object 的数组传递给组件,类型 x 不可分配给类型“IntrinsicAttributes & x”

[英]how to pass array of object into component, Type x is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & x'

array type looks like MyType: {name: string, age: number}[] , props type in component is the same数组类型看起来像MyType: {name: string, age: number}[] ,组件中的道具类型相同

<Content data={arrOfObj} /> // warning

const Content: React.FC<MyType> = (data) => {...}

how to pass it into component correctly?如何正确地将其传递给组件? and I also think in the component prop type actually is not equal to MyType.而且我也认为组件中的道具类型实际上不等于MyType。 To get access to data you need to write the following data.data , but because of ts thinks data is an array, you can`t write in this way要访问数据,您需要编写以下data.data ,但是由于 ts 认为 data 是一个数组,所以不能这样写

This is probably what you wanted这可能是你想要的

<Content data={arrOfObj} /> // warning

const Content: React.FC<{ data: MyType }> = ({ data }) => {...}


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