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Firebase 是 react-native 后端

[英]Firebase are react-native backend

I have really been having a hard time intergrating firebase to my react-native UI.我真的很难将 firebase 集成到我的 react-native UI。 Anyone who knows where(site, video or course) that one can learn how to use firebase as react native's backend?任何知道在哪里(网站、视频或课程)可以学习如何使用 firebase 作为 react native 后端的人? Cheers!干杯!

you can use firebase as backend with their data base etc,您可以使用 firebase 作为其数据库等的后端,

check out this blog https://rnfirebase.io/ , you will get to know about the different functionalities which you can integrate with firebase in RN查看此博客https://rnfirebase.io/ ,您将了解可以在 RN 中与 firebase 集成的不同功能

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