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Next.js 11 - 图像优化不适用于生产环境

[英]Next.js 11 - Image optimization is not working on production environment

I have a little issue with Image component in Next.js.我对 Next.js 中的 Image 组件有一点问题。 I am using next 11.0.1 version, and I did not find any problems during development and local environment.我使用的是next 11.0.1版本,在开发和本地环境中没有发现任何问题。 The images are being optimized and everything is working fine.图像正在优化,一切正常。 However, team and I find out that the images are not being optimized when the site is deployed on production.但是,我和团队发现,在将站点部署到生产环境时,图像并没有得到优化。 We are using Amazon services to do that.我们正在使用亚马逊服务来做到这一点。

Here is the proof of what I mean by this:这是我的意思的证明:

Local environment:当地环境:

On wide-screen (1024px width)
Rendered size:  50 x 50 px
File size:  1.3 kB

Production environment:生产环境:

On wide-screen (1024px width)
Rendered size:  512 x 512 px
File size:  41.5 kB

Of course, this is not a huge difference, but still I want to know how to fix this issue on production environment.当然,这并不是一个巨大的差异,但我仍然想知道如何在生产环境中解决这个问题。 I also added sharp dependency on the project itself, as I know that it will boost the performance of loading the images on the page.我还添加了对项目本身的强烈依赖,因为我知道它会提高在页面上加载图像的性能。 Can the problem be with Amazon not being set up properly?问题可能出在亚马逊设置不正确吗?

Next.config.js Next.config.js

module.exports = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  images: {
    domains: ['avatars.slack-edge.com'],

Can you check your image source URL length.你能检查你的图像源 URL 长度吗? Because I had same issue in one of my project and when I optimized the url it worked.因为我在我的一个项目中遇到了同样的问题,当我优化 url 时它起作用了。 You can check the documentation as there is a limit for maximum of string length of 4,096 in redirect.您可以查看文档,因为重定向中的最大字符串长度限制为 4,096。

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