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jq 在多映射结构 JSON 中查找键名

[英]jq find a key name in multi-map structured JSON

I have this JSON object that maps the compatibility of patch sets to specific software versions.我有这个 JSON object,它将补丁集的兼容性映射到特定的软件版本。


Would it be possible for jq to return the patch set name (eg "v7.15.x") when given the specific version (eg "8.1.0")?给定特定版本(例如“8.1.0”)时, jq是否可以返回补丁集名称(例如“v7.15.x”)?

Yes, it's pretty straightforward actually.是的,实际上这很简单。

.compatibility | to_entries[] | select(.value | index("8.1.0")) .key

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In case it's unclear, the version string doesn't have to be hardcoded;如果不清楚,版本字符串不必硬编码; it may come from outside the program too:它也可能来自程序之外:

jq --arg version 8.1.0 '.compatibility | to_entries[] | select(.value | index($version)) .key'

If you need to query the same data set several times, it might be worth creating an index object, store it in a variable, and perform the lookup from there:如果您需要多次查询相同的数据集,可能值得创建索引 object,将其存储在变量中,然后从那里执行查找:

(.compatibility | with_entries({value: .key, key: .value[]})) as $lookup

# various ways to lookup multiple versions
| $lookup["8.0.1", "7.11.2"], $lookup["7.16.1"]


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