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在 Azure devops 中找不到 powerplatform

[英]Unable to find the powerplatform in Azure devops

Unable to find the powerplatform in service connection in Azure devops how to add the powerplatform connection in service connection in Azure devops无法在 Azure devops 的服务连接中找到 powerplatform 如何在 Azure devops 的服务连接中添加 powerplatform 连接


To get the Power Platform service connection, you need to install the Extension: Power Platform Build Tools (2.0.5) to your Organization.要获得 Power Platform 服务连接,您需要将扩展: Power Platform Build Tools (2.0.5)安装到您的组织。

Then you will get the Power Platform service connection.然后您将获得 Power Platform 服务连接。


There are out of box (ie from Microsoft) Power platform Build Tools you should be using this to perfrom your operations w.r.t power platform.有现成的(即来自 Microsoft) Power 平台构建工具,您应该使用它来执行您的操作 w.r.t 电源平台。

In addition connection with Power platform should happen using ClientID and secrets此外,还应使用 ClientID 和 secrets与 Power 平台建立连接

For example look here to find out how to use connection srtring 例如看这里了解如何使用连接字符串

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