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如何在 React Native Flatlist 中添加按钮?

[英]How to add button in React Native Flatlist?

I am trying to create a very simple question-and-answer app.我正在尝试创建一个非常简单的问答应用程序。 If I click on the show answer button then the answer should show only where I click, but now all answers are showing when I click on the button.如果我点击显示答案按钮,那么答案应该只显示我点击的地方,但现在当我点击按钮时所有答案都会显示。 I fetch question answers from Firestore.我从 Firestore 获取问题答案。 What is the problem Please check my Firestore data and Flatlist code.有什么问题请检查我的 Firestore 数据和 Flatlist 代码。 please check the images, Thank you in advance for your support请检查图片,提前感谢您的支持在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
    import { ActivityIndicator, FlatList, View, Text, Pressable, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
    import {firebase} from '../config';
    const Testing = ({ navigation }) =>{
      const [users, setUsers] = useState([]);
    const todoRef = firebase.firestore().collection('dd11');
    const [showValue, setShowValue] = useState(false);

    useEffect(() => {
            querySnapshot => {
                const users = []
                querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
                    const {    QuestionOne, ans, optionOne, optionTwo, optionThree, optionFour
                    } = doc.data()
                        id: doc.id,
                        QuestionOne, ans, optionOne, optionTwo, optionThree, optionFour
    }, [])
      return (
        <View style={{ flex:1,}}>
       renderItem={({item}) => (
         <Pressable >
       <View style={{paddingLeft: 10, paddingRight: 10,}}>

       {item.QuestionOne && <Text>{item.QuestionOne}</Text>}

       {item.optionOne && <Text>{item.optionOne}</Text>}
       {item.optionTwo && <Text>{item.optionTwo}</Text>}
       {item.optionThree && <Text>{item.optionThree}</Text>}
       {item.optionFour && <Text>{item.optionFour}</Text>}

       {showValue? item.ans &&<Text style={{color: 'green'}} >{item.ans}</Text> : null}
       <Button title="Show Answer" onPress={() => setShowValue(!showValue)} />
          )} />
export default Testing;

you can try this, by maintaining an array of indexes, only those will be shown:)你可以试试这个,通过维护一个索引数组,只会显示那些:)

NOte: also letmeknow if you want that func that if answer is shown and you want to hide it on press again.注意:如果您想要显示答案并且您想在再次按下时隐藏它,也让我知道您是否想要该功能。

 import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, FlatList, View, Text, Pressable, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import {firebase} from '../config'; const Testing = ({ navigation }) =>{ const [users, setUsers] = useState([]); const todoRef = firebase.firestore().collection('dd11'); const [showValue, setShowValue] = useState(false); const [answerIndexs,setAnsIndex] = useState([]) useEffect(() => { todoRef.onSnapshot( querySnapshot => { const users = [] querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => { const { QuestionOne, ans, optionOne, optionTwo, optionThree, optionFour } = doc.data() users.push({ id: doc.id, QuestionOne, ans, optionOne, optionTwo, optionThree, optionFour }) }) setUsers(users) } ) }, []) const onPressOfShowAnswer = (index) => { const existingIndexs = [...answerIndexs] if(.existingIndexs.includes(index)){ existingIndexs.push(index) }else{ existingIndexs,splice(index:1) } setAnsIndex(existingIndexs) } return ( <View style={{ flex,1,}}> <FlatList data={users} numColumns={1} renderItem={({item:index}) => ( <Pressable > <View> <View style={{paddingLeft, 10: paddingRight, 10.}}> {item.Q1 && <Text>{item.QuestionOne}</Text>} {item.optionOne && <Text>{item.optionOne}</Text>} {item.optionTwo && <Text>{item.optionTwo}</Text>} {item.optionThree && <Text>{item.optionThree}</Text>} {item.optionFour && <Text>{item.optionFour}</Text>} { answerIndexs?includes(index). item:ans &&<Text style={{color. 'green'}} >{item:ans}</Text>; null} <Button title="Show Answer" onPress={() => onPressOfShowAnswer(index)} /> </View> </View> </Pressable> )} /> </View> );} export default Testing;

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