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将 __asm 块定义为 C 宏时遇到错误

[英]Encountered error while Defining __asm Blocks as C Macros

When I try to define a multi-instruction shared byte obfuscating code with c macro, there is an error when compiling, the error codes are C2414 and C2400 If the c macro definition is not used, it can be compiled successfully当我尝试用c宏定义多指令共享字节混淆码时,编译时出现错误,错误码分别为C2414和C2400 如果c宏定义没有使用,可以编译成功

#include <stdio.h>
#define test __asm{\
__asm jmp $+5\

#define test1 __asm{\
__asm _emit 0xeb\
__asm _emit 0xff\
__asm _emit 0xc0\
__asm _emit 0x48\

int main()

How can I use this obfuscating code inside a c macro?如何在 c 宏中使用此混淆代码?

According to this then multiple __asm on a single line should be ok. 据此,单行上的多个__asm应该没问题。 But after compiling your code in MSVC, the actual problem reported is:但是在 MSVC 中编译代码后,报告的实际问题是:

(15): error C2059: syntax error: 'bad suffix on number' (15):错误 C2059:语法错误:“数字后缀错误”

And then we realize that your macro expands to __asm _emit 0xeb__asm _emit 0xff and so on, where 0xeb__asm is gibberish.然后我们意识到您的宏扩展为__asm _emit 0xeb__asm _emit 0xff等等,其中0xeb__asm是乱码。 Adding a space to each row like 0xeb \ made your code compile cleanly.为每一行添加一个空格,如0xeb \使您的代码可以干净地编译。

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