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GlobalPlatform 和 EMV 的区别

[英]Difference between GlobalPlatform and EMV

I am trying to understand the difference between EMV and GlobalPlatform.我试图了解 EMV 和 GlobalPlatform 之间的区别。 However, this 2 terms seems to be very abstract and I find it hard to differentiate between or at least understand what is the purpose of them.但是,这两个术语似乎非常抽象,我发现很难区分或至少理解它们的目的是什么。

To my understanding, EMV represents a set of specifications made by different entities(live Visa, Mastercard etc.) so that the CAD/POSes can communicate with cards.据我了解,EMV 代表了一组由不同实体(实时 Visa、Mastercard 等)制定的规范,以便 CAD/POS 可以与卡进行通信。 This means, that whoever is implementing a certain applet that will be deployed on a card needs to respect the above specification, so every CAD can understand what the card is returning, and also the card will understand what the CAD is asking for.这意味着,无论谁正在实施将部署在卡上的某个小程序,都需要遵守上述规范,因此每个 CAD 都可以了解卡返回的内容,并且卡也会了解 CAD 的要求。

On the other hand, GP represents a set of specifications/rules that needs to be enforced on a card level so that the card is safe and compliant.另一方面,GP 表示需要在卡级别强制执行的一组规范/规则,以使卡安全且合规。 Meaning that the entity that is issuing the card should implement this new functionalities, or at least have them available.这意味着发行卡的实体应该实现这些新功能,或者至少让它们可用。 For example, NXP is developing PN81T that runs JCOP 4, JCOP4 or the chip itself need to implement the rules enforced by GP, so everything is safe when using the card.例如,NXP正在开发运行JCOP 4的PN81T,JCOP4或芯片本身需要执行GP强制执行的规则,因此使用该卡时一切都是安全的。

I am probably wrong, so that is why I ask these questions here, I just want to truly understand these terms.我可能错了,所以我在这里问这些问题,我只是想真正理解这些术语。

Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

For EMV you are right, what it defines is the interface and some operational things.对于EMV,您是对的,它定义的是接口和一些操作性的东西。 Globalplatform defines a large set of specifications. Globalplatform 定义了大量的规范。 The one you are referring to is the card specification, basically defining how to install and manage applications, eg the EMV one on a smart card.您指的是卡规范,基本上定义了如何安装和管理应用程序,例如智能卡上的 EMV。 I have written an article which should be useful Global Platform .我写了一篇应该对Global Platform有用的文章。

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