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如果远端不支持邀请中提到的任何编解码器,会发生什么? 以及如何解决?

[英]What will happen if the far end doesn’t support any of the mentioned codecs in invite? And how to resolve it?

What happens when far end doesn't support any of the mentioned codecs in the invite?当远端不支持邀请中提到的任何编解码器时会发生什么? And how to resolve it?以及如何解决?

The answer to this question can be found in RFC3261 which specifies the SIP protocol.这个问题的答案可以在指定 SIP 协议的RFC3261中找到。 I recommend reading it before you start with SIP.我建议在开始使用 SIP 之前阅读它。

The user agent server (UAS, the 'far'end') will return a final failure response.用户代理服务器(UAS,“远端”)将返回最终失败响应。 Most likely 606 Not Acceptable since it doesn't support any of the codecs offered.很可能是 606 Not Acceptable,因为它不支持提供的任何编解码器。

The response may contain an SDP body containing the media capabilities the UAS does support.响应可能包含一个 SDP 主体,其中包含 UAS 支持的媒体功能。 If this body contains media codecs the user agent client (UAC) also supports the UAC can decide to send a new INVITE request containing this set of media codecs.如果此主体包含媒体编解码器,则用户代理客户端 (UAC) 也支持 UAC 可以决定发送包含这组媒体编解码器的新 INVITE 请求。

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