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在 char* 指针中复制 std::string 的一部分

[英]Copy a part of an std::string in a char* pointer

Let's suppose I've this code snippet in C++假设我在 C++ 中有这个代码片段

char* str;
std::string data = "This is a string.";

I need to copy the string data (except the first and the last characters) in str .我需要复制str中的字符串data (第一个和最后一个字符除外)。 My solution that seems to work is creating a substring and then performing the std::copy operation like this我似乎可行的解决方案是创建一个 substring 然后像这样执行std::copy操作

std::string substring = data.substr(1, size - 2);
str = new char[size - 1];
std::copy(substring.begin(), substring.end(), str);
str[size - 2] = '\0';

But maybe this is a bit overkilling because I create a new string.但也许这有点矫枉过正,因为我创建了一个新字符串。 Is there a simpler way to achieve this goal?有没有更简单的方法来实现这个目标? Maybe working with offets in the std:copy calls?也许在std:copy调用中使用offets


There is:有:

int length = data.length() - 1;
memcpy(str, data.c_str() + 1, length);
str[length] = 0; 

This will copy the string in data, starting at position [1] (instead of [0] ) and keep copying until length() - 1 bytes have been copied.这将复制数据中的字符串,从 position [1] (而不是[0] )开始并继续复制直到length() - 1个字节被复制。 (-1 because you want to omit the first character). (-1 因为你想省略第一个字符)。

The final character then gets overwritten with the terminating \0 , finalizing the string and disposing of the final character.最后一个字符然后被终止\0覆盖,最终确定字符串并处理最后一个字符。

Of course this approach will cause problems if the string does not have at least 1 character, so you should check for that beforehand.当然,如果字符串没有至少 1 个字符,这种方法会导致问题,因此您应该事先检查。

If you must create the new string as a dynamic char array via new you can use the code below.如果您必须通过new将新字符串创建为动态char数组,您可以使用下面的代码。

It checks whether data is long enough, and if so allocates memory for str and uses std::copy similarly to your code, but with adapted iterators.它检查data是否足够长,如果是,则为str分配 memory 并使用类似于您的代码的std::copy ,但使用经过调整的迭代器。
There is no need to allocate another std::string for the sub-string.无需为子字符串分配另一个std::string string。

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main() 
    std::string data = "This is a string.";
    auto len = data.length();
    char* str = nullptr;
    if (len > 2)
        auto new_len = len - 2;
        str = new char[new_len+1];  // add 1 for zero termination
        std::copy(data.begin() + 1, data.end() - 1, str);  // copy from 2nd char till one before the last
        str[new_len] = '\0';  // add zero termination
        std::cout << str << std::endl;
    // ...
    delete[] str;   // must be released eventually

Output: Output:

his is a string

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