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通过基于范围循环使用映射向量 c++ 中的 std::min_element 获取最小元素

[英]Getting the smallest element using std::min_element in vector of maps c++ via based-range loop

I'm trying to get min value using std::min_element in a function.我试图在 function 中使用 std::min_element 获得最小值。

std::vector<std::map<int, double>> vectorMap;
std::map<int, double> data;

bool compare(std::pair<int, double> i, std::pair<int, double> j) {
  return i.second < j.second;

double findMin(std::vector<std::map<int, double>> const &vectorMap){
    for (auto const &vec : vectorMap){
        for (auto const &mymap : vec){
            std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(mymap.begin(), mymap.end(), compare));
    return static_cast<double>(min.second);

While compiling I'm getting these errors:编译时出现以下错误:

main.cpp:59:67: error: no member named 'begin' in 'std::pair<const int, double>'
            std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(mymap.begin(), mymap.end(), compare));
                                                            ~~~~~ ^

main.cpp:59:82: error: no member named 'end' in 'std::pair<const int, double>'
            std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(mymap.begin(), mymap.end(), compare));
                                                            ~~~~~ ^

main.cpp:62:32: error: use of undeclared identifier 'min'
    return static_cast<double>(min.second);

But when using the std::min_element in the main function it works fine.但是当在主 function 中使用 std::min_element 时,它工作正常。

std::vector<std::map<int, double>> vectorMap;
std::map<int, double> data;


std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(data.begin(), data.end(), compare));
    std::cout << "min value is " << min.second << std::endl; //works well

whole code整个代码

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么? Thank you.谢谢你。

You have confusing naming here:你在这里有令人困惑的命名:

double findMin(std::vector<std::map<int, double>> const &vectorMap){
    for (auto const &vec : vectorMap){
        for (auto const &mymap : vec){
            std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(mymap.begin(), mymap.end(), compare));
    return static_cast<double>(min.second);

In the for (auto const &vec: vectorMap){ line you iterate over elements of the vector, so each element of it is a map (it is obvious from its type - std::vector<std::map<int, double>> ).for (auto const &vec: vectorMap){行中,您遍历向量的元素,因此它的每个元素都是 map (从它的类型很明显 - std::vector<std::map<int, double>> )。 So each element of the vector is a map<int, double> .所以向量的每个元素都是一个map<int, double> But you call each element as a vec and this name may mess things for you.但是您将每个元素都称为vec ,而这个名称可能会让您一头雾水。 Then you iterate over each map:然后遍历每个 map:

for (auto const &mymap : vec)

and here naming is also wrong.而且这里的命名也是错误的。 As you iterate over map then each element of it is a pair<int, double> which map consists of.当您遍历 map 时,它的每个元素都是 map 组成的pair<int, double> That's why pair doesn't have begin/end methods.这就是为什么pair没有begin/end方法。 As as mentioned by Margarit Alexandru you don't need a second loop, as your vec is already a map that can be passed to std::min_element .正如Margarit Alexandru所提到的,您不需要第二个循环,因为您的vec已经是可以传递给std::min_element map Just use correct naming)只需使用正确的命名)

You are using min_element on each element of the map (of type std::pair<int, double>).您在 map(std::pair<int, double> 类型)的每个元素上使用 min_element。 You should have only one for instead of 2.你应该只有一个而不是 2。

double findMin(std::vector<std::map<int, double>> const &vectorMap){
    for (auto const &vec : vectorMap){
        std::pair<int, double> min = (*std::min_element(vec.begin(), vec.end(), compare));
    return static_cast<double>(min.second);

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