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[英]how to get a list of users from firebase

function getUsersEmail() {
  const dbRef = ref(getDatabase());
  get(child(dbRef, `users/`  )).then((snapshot) => {
    if (snapshot.exists()) {
    } else {
      console.log("No data available");
  }).catch((error) => {

I was able to output the database to the console.我能够将数据库 output 到控制台。 I would like to output only the email addresses of users.我想 output 只有用户的 email 地址。


"users": {
"2Le5WxOGnWWrkshsEqjeSIq527O2": {
  "email": "q5@gmail.com",
  "password": "qweqwe"
"2jn1YmI9twce3ylEP8wiu5QhUDf1": {
  "email": "55@gmail.com",
  "password": "qweqwe"

To retrieve all users and output only their email addresses:要检索所有用户和 output 仅他们的 email 地址:

get(child(dbRef, `users/`  )).then((snapshot) => {
  snapshot.forEach((child) => {

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