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如何禁用 GCP 项目的多租户功能?

[英]How to disable the multi tenant feature for a GCP project?

I have enabled the multi-tenancy feature for my firebase project in the GCP console following this guide but now there's no way to disable it back.我已按照本指南在 GCP 控制台中为我的 firebase 项目启用了多租户功能,但现在无法将其禁用。

Will this affect any of project's behaviour?这会影响项目的任何行为吗?

As per the Public Documentation , currently there is nothing mentioned about how to disable multi-tenancy, however Google Support is aware of the issue and working on it.根据公共文档,目前没有提及如何禁用多租户,但 Google 支持人员已意识到该问题并正在解决此问题。 There will be some update in near future but currently it's not possible in UI or SDKs.在不久的将来会有一些更新,但目前在 UI 或 SDK 中是不可能的。

Will this affect any of the project's behaviour?这会影响项目的任何行为吗?

As per Firebase Documentation , multi-tenancy is not recommended for the Firebase Projects as mentioned with a reason:根据Firebase 文档,不建议对 Firebase 项目进行多租户,原因如下:

Multi-tenancy can lead to serious configuration and data privacy concerns, including unintended issues with analytics aggregation, shared authentication, overly-complex database structures, and difficulties with security rules.多租户可能会导致严重的配置和数据隐私问题,包括分析聚合、共享身份验证、过于复杂的数据库结构以及安全规则方面的问题。

Generally, if a set of apps don't share the same data and configurations, strongly consider registering each app with a different Firebase project.通常,如果一组应用程序不共享相同的数据和配置,强烈考虑将每个应用程序注册到不同的 Firebase 项目。

For example, if you develop a white-label application, each independently labeled app should have its own Firebase project, and the iOS and Android versions of that label should be in the same Firebase project. For example, if you develop a white-label application, each independently labeled app should have its own Firebase project, and the iOS and Android versions of that label should be in the same Firebase project. Each independently labeled app shouldn't (for privacy reasons) share data with the others.每个独立标记的应用程序不应(出于隐私原因)与其他应用程序共享数据。

To get more information related to the Firebase Authentication, you can refer to the doc .要获取有关 Firebase 身份验证的更多信息,您可以参考文档

If you want to continue in a multi tenant project below are some points which may help you perform certain activities on a multi tenant .如果您想继续进行多租户项目,以下几点可以帮助您在多租户中执行某些活动

There are situations, however, where you want users to be manually or programmatically created by an administrator, either using the Admin SDK or Firebase console.但是,在某些情况下,您希望管理员手动或以编程方式创建用户,使用管理员 SDK 或 Firebase 控制台。 In these cases, you can disable user actions from the Firebase Authentication Settings page, which prevents account creation and deletion by end-users.在这些情况下,您可以从 Firebase 身份验证设置页面禁用用户操作,以防止最终用户创建和删除帐户。 If you are using multi-tenancy, you will need to make an HTTP request to disable these features on a per-tenant basis.如果您使用多租户,则需要发出 HTTP 请求,以在每个租户的基础上禁用这些功能。

You can also Manage Identity Platform tenants programmatically by User management,Identity verification,Import users,Access control with custom claims,User session management,Email action links,Tenant management by Create, list, get, update, delete tenants for a specific Identity Platform project, Manage OIDC and SAML providers on tenants.您还可以通过用户管理、身份验证、导入用户、使用自定义声明的访问控制、用户 session 管理、Email 操作链接、通过创建、列出、获取、更新、删除特定 Identity Platform 租户的租户管理来以编程方式管理 Identity Platform 租户项目,管理租户的 OIDC 和 SAML 提供程序。

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