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当 function 在 Java 和 C# 中自动完成时如何添加括号

[英]How to add parantheses when a function is autocompleted in Java and C# in VS Code

I need to add parantheses when a function is autocompleted by Tab in Java and C# in VS Code, but I could not find the required settings for that.当 function 由 Java 和 C# 在 VS 代码中的 Tab 自动完成时,我需要添加括号,但我找不到所需的设置。 We can do the settings I said above for Python, JavaScript, C, C++.我们可以对 Python、JavaScript、C、ZF6F87C39FDCF8B3C3C3F07. Is this possible for Java and C#?这对 Java 和 C# 是否可行?

I took a look at this topic: VSCode add parentheses when autocompleting functions我看了一下这个话题: VSCode add parentheses when autocompleting functions

but I couldn't find the settings for Java and C#.但我找不到 Java 和 C# 的设置。

Install the full Extension Pack for Java extension package. 为 Java 扩展 package 安装完整的扩展包 One of the Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat extensions already contains this functionality. Red Hat 扩展对 Java(TM) 的语言支持之一已经包含此功能。


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