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从 web 浏览器启动 Windows 应用程序

[英]launch a Windows application from a web browser

I'm trying to launch a Windows application from a web browser, just like the VMWare console (VMRC) from a vCenter web interface, or the Zoom binary from a simple html link. I'm trying to launch a Windows application from a web browser, just like the VMWare console (VMRC) from a vCenter web interface, or the Zoom binary from a simple html link.

I understand Java applets, NAPI protocol and ActiveX are considered deprecated, so what is the best method please?我了解 Java 小程序,NAPI 协议和 ActiveX 被认为已弃用,那么最好的方法是什么?


Register as a protocol handler in the registry.在注册表中注册为协议处理程序

To handle foo://something URLs for example, the.reg file would look something like例如,要处理foo://something URL,.reg 文件看起来像

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\MyApp.exe\" \"%1\""

If your app is not already installed on the system you might want to look at ClickOnce instead.如果您的应用程序尚未安装在系统上,您可能需要查看ClickOnce

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