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firebase 主机中的数据传输被认为是什么?

[英]What is considered as data transfer in firebase hosting?

What I considerd data transfare in firebase hosting according to docs根据文档,我认为 firebase 托管中的数据传输

Data transfer (GB/month) — The amount of data transferred to end users from our CDN.数据传输(GB/月)——从我们的 CDN 传输给最终用户的数据量。 Every Hosting site is automatically backed by our global CDN at no charge每个托管站点都由我们的全球 CDN 自动支持,免费

So is when a user go to my domain and firebase send the user my web site that lets say for the sake of argument has 100mb so each 10 requests will cost me 0.15 usd according the pricing on fire base?那么当用户 go 到我的域和 firebase 向用户发送我的 web 网站时,让我们说,根据请求,价格基数为 100.1 美元,所以每个 100mb 1?

Data transfer $0.15/GB数据传输 $0.15/GB

My current concern that my react build folder has the size of 3mb since it has too many pngs in it … so will I pay for the transfare of this build folder to end client each time a Client call this site?我目前担心我的 react 构建文件夹的大小为 3mb,因为它有太多的 pngs ......所以每次客户调用这个站点时,我会支付这个构建文件夹到终端客户的费用吗?

Lets say for the sake of argument has 100 MB so each 10 requests will cost me 0.15 USD假设为了争论有 100 MB,所以每 10 个请求将花费我 0.15 美元

Yes, you are charged on the data downloaded from CDN/server .是的,您需要为从 CDN/server下载的数据付费。

My current concern that my react build folder has the size of 3mb since it has too many pngs in it我目前担心我的 react 构建文件夹的大小为 3mb,因为其中的 png 太多

It'll be best to optimise and compress your images to reduce costs and also loading speed.最好优化和压缩图像以降低成本和加载速度。

so will I pay for the transfer of this build folder to end client each time a Client call this site因此,每次客户调用此站点时,我都会支付将此构建文件夹转移到最终客户的费用

Some static assets should get cached locally so the next time user loads the site it might load them from cache instead of the server.一些 static 资产应该在本地缓存,因此下次用户加载站点时,它可能会从缓存而不是服务器加载它们。 So it won't be 3 MB always.所以它不会总是3 MB。

You can get rough estimate of the data being loaded in the network tab of browser console.您可以粗略估计浏览器控制台的网络选项卡中正在加载的数据。

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