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我收到这个错误。 MongoServerError:不允许用户对 [shoeDatabase.users] 执行操作 [remove]

[英]Am getting this error. MongoServerError: user is not allowed to do action [remove] on [shoeDatabase.users]

This error is what I find.这个错误是我发现的。 user is not allowed to do action MongoServerError: user is not allowed to do action [remove] on [shoeDatabase.users],不允许用户执行操作MongoServerError: user is not allowed to do action [remove] on [shoeDatabase.users],

import express from "express";
import User from "./Models/UserModel.js";
import users from "./data/users.js";
const ImportData = express.Router();

ImportData.post("/user", async (req, res) => {
  await User.remove({});
  const importUser = await User.insertMany(users);
  res.send({ importUser });

export default ImportData;

solution for your error is:您的错误的解决方案是:

  • change the rights in the database更改数据库中的权限
  • your script has not rights to remove any user您的脚本无权删除任何user

there are other problems to address:还有其他问题需要解决:

  • await User.remove({}); will remove all present users... are you sure?将删除所有当前用户...您确定吗?
  • where are users originated from? users来自哪里? (should be parsed from req and are not) (应该从 req 解析而不是)


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