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PowerApps - 需要将两个 collections 组合成一条记录

[英]PowerApps - Need to combine two collections to a single record

I have multiple columns in my SPO list and I've divided the columns in two collections.我的 SPO 列表中有多个列,我将这些列分为两个 collections。

I want to combine both collections so that it creates a single record on my SPO list.我想结合 collections 以便它在我的 SPO 列表上创建一条记录。

Is there a way to do that?有没有办法做到这一点? I tried but it created two separate items for both collections.我试过了,但它为 collections 创建了两个单独的项目。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

As you have same record with multiple column, each record should have Primary key kind of Guid of record and so on.由于您有具有多列的相同记录,因此每条记录都应具有主键类型的记录 Guid 等。

Based on Primary key you can combine 2 collections into 1 combine collection and then user Patch function based on this combined collection to create/update records.基于主键,您可以将 2 个 collections 组合成 1 个组合集合,然后用户基于此组合集合修补 function 以创建/更新记录。

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