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PowerApps - For All Patch 仅复制集合中的最后一条记录(不显示 SPO 列表中的其他项目)

[英]PowerApps - For All Patch replicating only the last record in the collection (not showing other items on SPO List)

I'm using a simple collection function to collect values for four columns of my list and I'm using a data table to show those values from the collection.我正在使用一个简单的集合 function 来收集列表中四列的值,并且我正在使用数据表来显示集合中的这些值。 This works fine and table shows the values I enter.这工作正常,表格显示我输入的值。 I'm then using a Submit button to patch the records to my list and this seemingly works.然后我使用提交按钮将记录修补到我的列表中,这似乎有效。

However, when I go to the list, I see only the last item that I entered in the collection and every other record I created, it shows values of the last item only.但是,当我将 go 加入列表时,我只看到我在集合中输入的最后一项以及我创建的所有其他记录,它只显示最后一项的值。 When I go to the File tab on PowerApps and go to Collection, it shows the distinct values I've entered but then the same values get overwritten by the last record.当我 go 到 PowerApps 上的文件选项卡和 go 到集合时,它显示了我输入的不同值,但相同的值被最后一条记录覆盖。 For eg.例如。 I create 3 records and even if SPO list shows 3 new records created, it shows the values of the 3rd record even on 1st and 2nd record.我创建了 3 条记录,即使 SPO 列表显示创建了 3 条新记录,它也会显示第 3 条记录的值,即使是第 1 条和第 2 条记录。

Below is code I've used to patch the records.下面是我用来修补记录的代码。

ForAll(NewtestCol,Patch('VDI Request Form',Defaults('VDI Request Form'), {'Region & Domain': RegionDomain1.Selected,'Domain UID': DomainUID1.Text,'Requesting For': RequestingFor1.Text,'Request Number': RequestNumber.Text })

you do understand, you are doing ForAll based on your Newtestcol你明白,你正在根据你的Newtestcol做 ForAll

but you are patching ie creating records with values from RegionDomain1.Selected or DomainUID1.Text但是您正在修补,即使用RegionDomain1.SelectedDomainUID1.Text的值创建记录

Are your RegionDomain1 or DomainUID1 coming from collection Newtestcol ?您的 RegionDomain1 或 DomainUID1 来自集合Newtestcol吗? or are they coming from Textbox or combobox or so on?还是来自文本框或 combobox 等?

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