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Acf 图标选择器

[英]Acf icon picker

I m using ACF icon picker with oxygen builder & acf我正在使用带有氧气生成器和 acf 的ACF 图标选择

The issue is Oxygen Builder disables the theme completely.问题是 Oxygen Builder 完全禁用了主题。

I have tried this filter as mentioned on ACF icon picker but its not working我已经尝试过ACF 图标选择器中提到的这个过滤器,但它不起作用


  function ( $path_suffix ) {
    return 'wp-content/plugins/assets/img/acf/'; // After assets folder you can define folder structure

I have created a file with sub folders above but not sure why the filter is not working.我在上面创建了一个带有子文件夹的文件,但不确定过滤器为什么不起作用。


Found this on ACF ForumACF 论坛上找到这个


// modify the path to the icons directory
function acf_icon_path_suffix($path_suffix)
    return '/acf-icons/';
add_filter('acf_icon_path_suffix', 'acf_icon_path_suffix');
// modify the path to the above prefix
function acf_icon_path($path_suffix)
    return WP_CONTENT_DIR;
add_filter('acf_icon_path', 'acf_icon_path');

// modify the URL to the icons directory to display on the page
function acf_icon_url($path_suffix)
    return WP_CONTENT_URL;
add_filter('acf_icon_url', 'acf_icon_url');

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